The doesn’t have the thing the old site had, so until I think of something, put your replies to this in a comment on this post, and hope somebody notices it.
- Character Name:
- Please provide your Armory link.
- Are you currently in a guild? If so, what is your reason for wanting to join Obscura?
- How old are you?
- Main Spec / Off Spec ?
- References within the guild:
- How did you hear about us?
- Raid Experience:
- Please explain stat prioritizing for your class and spec.
- We REQUIRE all members who are going to raid to have DBM, Omen, Mumble.. can you run these without problems?
- A problem arises between you and another guildmate, how do you handle it?
- Everyone says they can handle constructive criticism, how do you handle it tho?:
- Nicknames you prefer?
- Tell us a little about yourself…
- If you were an animal, what animal would you be?:
- Application Raid Availability Info:
Character Name: Tdktank
Please provide your Armory link:
Are you currently in a guild? If so, what is your reason for wanting to join Obscura?: I was but it was my own guild and everyone was logged out for over a year. Looking to join a different guild to see how it functions without me being in any officer/lead positions.
How old are you?: 22
Main Spec / Off Spec ?: Blood/Frost ( Can be any class y’all need though since I just started back up and still have a lvl 100 boost )
References within the guild: Umm, I met Zvet in Dal and asked if his guild was recruiting and he sent me here.
How did you hear about us?: I randomly met Zvet and he gave me hugs and wedgies.
Raid Experience: Raided Cata/MoP on this new account, but have been raiding since AQ40 days.
Please explain stat prioritizing for your class and spec.: Not gonna lie, just found it on icy veins and been following it. Haste; Versatility; Mastery; Crit strike
We REQUIRE all members who are going to raid to have DBM, Omen, Mumble.. can you run these without problems?: Yes
A problem arises between you and another guildmate, how do you handle it?: Usually just let it bl0w over, if it escalates, try to work it out and if it doesnt work itself out, talk to an officer/higher up.
Everyone says they can handle constructive criticism, how do you handle it tho?: Honestly, I can take some good constructive criticism, I havent played since WoD released( Didnt care for that xpac) and if anyone has any pointers on how to play whatever class Im playing then I will gladly take the advice.
Nicknames you prefer?: Nick, TDK, Hey you, it really doesnt matter to me.
Tell us a little about yourself… Ive been playing since Vanilla with breaks in between. Played Vanilla to the end of WotLK, thought cata was gonna be a bust, so I took a break when it released, came back and started a new account and began raiding in Firelands, eventually going on to the one with Deathwing ( Dont remember the name ) Then did a small amount of raiding. I work alot now because my rent is expensive so I dont have as much time to raid(Right now at least, Christmas broke the bank so have to take as many hours as I can), so anytime between 10AM CST and 10PM CST I could be at work. I like to watch UFC and enjoy a drink or a smoke every now and then, but when it comes to time to raid or pvp, its clear headed as I can get.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be?: A giraffe because giraffes are the best animals in the world ( Aside from humans )
Application Raid Availability Info: I cant raid anytime between 10-10 CST but if needed, I can change my work schedule to try to work around raid or pvp times. As of right now though, 10-10 CST is my work schedule. Any time other than that is perfect as of now.
Hello Nick , seek me out in game, I’m usually on between 8 PM and 12 AM.
Thank you for your interest in Obscura
Will do tonight whenever you log on then, is Irisanna your in-game name as well? Also, do you need any specific classes for your raid or pvp teams?
My character is Moolissa, she is a Resto/elemental Shaman.
I have my own guild but it is just me and my hubby. I would like to join an active guild moving forward. I wish to get stronger and learn more about the raids.
I dont have any references in your guild. I found you on the forums. I have run all raid in lfr and normal. Over half on heroic and a few on mythic.
I run DBM but shouldn’t have a problem with the others. I take criticism fine as long as it’s not disrespectful and mean. I can handle myself pretty well if a conflict arises but am not above getting help if required. My goal for Moolissa is to make her an awesome healer (dps when needed). I’ve been playing since vanilla but didn’t get into it really good until BC. I’m usually called Stephanie and I prefer that. Not big on Steph or Stephie.
If I was an animal I would be a dolphin because I love the ocean and it’s my favorite animal. Feel free to ask if you need more info.
We’re kind of dead waiting for the pre-patch, so we might not be able to offer too much raiding until BFA, but we might be able to set something up. If you see Irisanna in game, let her know.