Welcome to Obscura!

Obscura is a World of Warcraft Casual Raiding Guild on Nordrassil/Muradin composed of close-knit members interested in casual raid progression, achievements, and PvP. We expect our members to be fun, honest, helpful, and willing to take the time to learn their class and fights. Be aware that Obscura is intended for mature audiences only!


We take pride in our core values-

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Continuous Learning
  • Dedication & Contribution

Our current raid times are Fri and Sat 7:30-11:30pm server time. Please note: these times may change.


*** To apply, you must register first, in order to comment on the recruitment post.


So we joined the cool kids and now have a Discord server. It reminds me of Slack with voice chat and fewer people asking me to do things.
I’ve heard trolls attack random discord servers, but I think we’d be fine if I mute everyone except Product, so here’s the invite link.

I turned on the AFK feature, but it would auto-afk JB in an hour, so I turned it off again.

Gul’dan gone, goats grateful

Yet another triumph for Product’s raid leading in guiding us through the last phase with no prior instructions, and our occasional ability to not stand in things. Though for the record, I wasn’t the one who dropped the fel flame next to the melee.

Not entirely sure what was happening with the lore in the end. Gul’dan was channeling stuff out of Lil’ Ill’s body into the green crescent thing the statue was holding? I thought he was trying to insert some Sargaras soul? Not sure where Illidan’s soul came from, either, because I’m pretty sure the naruu was looking for it.