Category: Recruitment
The doesn’t have the thing the old site had, so until I think of something, put your replies to this in a comment on this post, and hope somebody notices it.
- Character Name:
- Please provide your Armory link.
- Are you currently in a guild? If so, what is your reason for wanting to join Obscura?
- How old are you?
- Main Spec / Off Spec ?
- References within the guild:
- How did you hear about us?
- Raid Experience:
- Please explain stat prioritizing for your class and spec.
- We REQUIRE all members who are going to raid to have DBM, Omen, Mumble.. can you run these without problems?
- A problem arises between you and another guildmate, how do you handle it?
- Everyone says they can handle constructive criticism, how do you handle it tho?:
- Nicknames you prefer?
- Tell us a little about yourself…
- If you were an animal, what animal would you be?:
- Application Raid Availability Info: