Welcome to Obscura!

Obscura is a World of Warcraft Casual Raiding Guild on Nordrassil/Muradin composed of close-knit members interested in casual raid progression, achievements, and PvP. We expect our members to be fun, honest, helpful, and willing to take the time to learn their class and fights. Be aware that Obscura is intended for mature audiences only!


We take pride in our core values-

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Continuous Learning
  • Dedication & Contribution

Our current raid times are Fri and Sat 7:30-11:30pm server time. Please note: these times may change.


*** To apply, you must register first, in order to comment on the recruitment post.

Oops, there’s a new expansion.

I didn’t notice, which does not say a lot for how much I was looking forward to it. I hit Legendary 4 in Warframe, though, have all the frames, almost all the weapons, still solo, don’t do the hard modes. Speaking of which, WoW has a solo raid version? That seems nice, if a little pointless with LFG being easy mode to begin with. Solo dungeons would be nice if they keep running quest chains through them. It wasn’t easy playing mostly at 4 AM.

New WoW dropped.

So 3 new expansions planned at once? So at least the story won’t be sliding around like an unmanned fire hose, although it does seem to be cribbed from FF14. But probably the same release model, same old gameplay? I’d have to buy the releases and game time, and the tokens are 330kG now? I’m assuming the economy is still upside down. In other news, there is still a guild, though I mostly do Warframe, where I got appointed to another guild leader position because I log in a lot.

Not a lot going on.

My subscription lapsed, but I also have 5+ tokens. I’ll be back for the next raid, for a month, until it becomes obvious again that WoW isn’t doing anything new or getting bought by Microsoft or something. I’ve been wasting more time in Warframe. There are still people in the guild if you want to join to hang out with the cool kids.